Body Fuel

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Do you want sugar with that?

As I’m getting together my first meal of the day, I’m adding more and more bitter condiments. Not because of nutrition knowledge but just because, I’m a little more predisposed towards sour and spice. Bitter foods tick the box towards living long, free & vibrant lives! Could it be that gene variants in younger people are trending towards distinguishing bitterness in foods and modelling their eating around sweeter tastes. A study “Bitter Taste Receptor Polymorphism & Human Ageing, 2013” on Calabrians’ (Southern Italians) noted that, older people in this region were less likely to have the gene variant for detecting bitterness. Perhaps we are changing the future population by sweetening our coffees?

Pretty much every single study that espouses the benefits of coffee does refer to black coffee. No heavy cream or traditional sugars. So keep this in mind when your to order your third cappuccino.