Body Fuel

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Human Greed - Where do You Sit

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need,

but not every man’s greed.

M. K. Gandhi

What is your legacy?

If I can make a positive impact on climate change, habitat & biodiversity loss, ocean conservation, and water security, and descend this devotion in part or in full momentum to those that pass through my own life, I will feel that my life mattered.

Ultimately greed is increasing day by day causing diverse tragic effects. We depend on our mother earth for everything we now appear to need and want; food supply, medicines, natural resources for the global industry.

Yet we have failed to appreciate and understand that a healthy environment is essential for our survival.

Greed is expressed as the situation in which “what you have” requires constant inflating in order to catch up with “what you want”, but any increase in “what you have” results in a larger increase in “what you want”, consequently creating an increasingly negative value of “happiness” … and the wheel keeps on turning.

We need global recognition that a reduction in “what we want” is far more effective in delivering success and happiness than striving for an increase in “what we have”.

Increasing what you have as an individual, sacrificing global health - ironically increases the unhappiness of our planet, en masse. This may explain why some of the wealthiest people, some of the most powerful people, and some of the most privileged people are also some of the most unhappy people.

The Earth shares its resources for every living organism to survive. Surely we are all undoubtedly aware that this consumption and subsequent waste has an impact on our ecosystems. When these consumption and waste activities extend beyond the earth's carrying capacity (greed), an imbalance is struck and ecological degradation ensues.

A new human right is essential for future generations.

Stay informed by connecting and reading my future weekly blogs on this subject and the connection with our diet, our health, and our weight, and ultimately … our success ❤︎