Body Fuel

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Infrared Sauna Therapy - Weight Loss & Body Composition

From Fight or Flight to Relaxation - The impact of Infrared Sauna Therapy on Health and Body Composition

We have two primary branches of the autonomic nervous system: The sympathetic branch (fight or flight/stress response/survival) and the parasympathetic branch (Rejuvenation/restore/relaxation). The engagement of one branch neutralises the other.

Using the analogy of a car - think of sympathetic dominance as the equivalent to accelerating to create forward momentum and parasympathetic dominance is similar to booking your car in for a service or tune up. It is absolutely necessary if we are to run (function to full capacity) to break or relax in order for our body to re-direct energy inward toward healing and growth.

It is crucial that every individual man/women spends time in parasympathetic dominance. But perhaps the most demanding times are leading into winter (where are resistance to bugs needs to be top notch), in heavy training and high perceived stress periods and in peri-menopause and menopause, because these are predominantly times that invite the body to hang in survival mode. If we stay situated in this survival mode over extended periods of time, eventually disease ensues, exercise gains are difficult, hormonal benefits are lost, abdominal weight can creep up as the natural healing mechanisms of the body are not able to engage fully.

To actualise homeostasis and health of the body it is essential that during these times we find a means or tools that enable the effortless transference out of states of stress response and back into states of relaxation where cellular healing and regeneration can occur.

Exposure to the broad spectrum of infrared sauna therapy enables the return back to parasympathetic dominance!

It has been an interesting ride for myself. I’ve been experimenting with increasing my iron levels without supplementation, after getting a particularly bad iron study assessment after a period of acute stress of which moved into a longer period of chronic stress. I have had lots of success but the final clinch appeared to the addition of regular infrared sauna therapy. When cortisol levels are elevated (in my case from chronic stress), your liver pumps out more hepcidin, which has a negative impact on iron absorption so despite my nutritional efforts to increase my heme iron food (to extreme measures), I found no change in my iron levels. However, with regular continued use of infrared sauna therapy the result is habitual engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system that has assisted in healing and regaining balance my adrenal system, lessening my cortisol response and providing for better iron absorption. It has been a game-changer in this light!!

I see infrared sauna therapy as a tool for becoming “Anti-fragile” in so many ways, including;

  • Increased insulin sensitivity

  • Increased circulation

  • Increase muscle repair and recovery

  • Increased detoxification from potentially harmful substances and heavy metals

  • Increased lactic acid detoxification

  • Increased immune response

  • Post sauna - increased cognition and creative expansion

I need to see and feel first hand true results, and only ever write about things that I want to share the benefits of with you, infrared sauna has truly blown me away and delivers. To be honest - impressed doesn’t cover it!