Body Fuel

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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) reveals imbalances in our stress response system and our recovery response system, that prevent us from recovering effectively and then that impairs our performance down the road (both cognitive and exercise performance). When your HRV is in check, this allows your body to respond more favourably to your efforts in training, nourishment, learning, reasoning, lowering feelings of anxiety or uplifting from depressive thoughts and imprinting a more positive and healthful expectation as your default emotion.  

Cardiac Coherence is an optimal state of mind/body balance - beyond mere relaxation and provides us with the ability to better regulate our stress response.  We all know by now that chronic stress has a detrimental effect on mood, the ability of your body to burn fat, athletic and cognitive performance (learning, memory, reasoning, thinking, intelligence), cardiovascular health, the health of your immune and hormonal systems.  

We all have a baseline HRV and Heart Coherence state. We become comfortable in our baseline pattern. However your baseline pattern may not be particularly healthy.

Our modern life insists that we multitask and operate in a continual high arousal state. We are comfortable with multimedia input all day long, every day. Our set point or baseline pattern for many of us is that we like that, we are comfortable with that and we actually (strangely) seek it out, even though it may be very unhealthy for us. Maybe we are feeling fatigued, maybe stressed or depressed, perhaps depleted but we love this constant buzz of a lifestyle that is superfast moving and provides distractions from deeper understanding.

This constantly challenging lifestyle can put us in a state of in-balance, that isn’t healthy for us. But we have created these set points for ourselves that can be maladaptive, leading to hormonal imbalance, lethargy, depressive thoughts, anxiousness, low libido, weight gain, agitation, helplessness and unfulfillment. Life then becomes maladaptive, not health promoting or healthful and yet our mind continually seeks this state out.

Here’s the thing … once you set that point, that point is comfortable, because it is familiar to you. But it may not be healthy. None of us are immune to this, kids, teenagers, mums, dads etc.

HRV and Heart Coherence training provides a tool (that you can see on my technology in real time) towards imprinting a more positive and healthful expectation as your default emotion. You then begin to see profound changes in your stress resilience, mood, recovery, thinking, retaining of information, relationships and health.

You can now experience the long-term benefits of whole body therapy through Infrared Heat combined with HRV and Heart Coherence sessions. 

Get in contact for package details and costs and plug your energy leaks now!!