Body Fuel

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Saturated Fat

My gut feeling is that the “saturated fat is harmless” message, that is being advanced by both the Keto and Paleo community- is being oversold to the public without critical explanation.

Have these Paleo, Keto and Carnivore enthusiasts considered the genes involved in fat and cholesterol metabolism and the variants that affect the way the human body reacts to saturated fat? Are they getting the message across clearly, that saturated animal fats from clean sources differ enormously from their dirty rivals?

And are they giving credence to the evidence that carriers of APOE4 variant of the APOE gene cannot handle high levels of dietary saturated fat as efficiently as non-carriers? Two variants of the ADIPOQ gene, found in 15 to 25% and 41 to 59% of the human population, and a variant of the APOA2 gene, found in 11 to 16% of the human population, make their carriers more prone to weight gain in response to high levels of saturated fat. This evidence alone would then suggest that it is critical for people carrying these gene variants to monitor closely their saturated fat intake.

Characterising gene-diet interactions is a research challenge. What suits one person may not suit another. The blanket approach to promoting saturated fats to all people is negligent and too black and white for me. As a health professional I view my role, my commitment to you - needs to involve running some genetic, microbiome, hormonal, fatty acids, organic acids and inflammatory marker tests and a thorough health history evaluation before I can give non bias recommendations on what "you" should eat to best serve your health.

Of course the most important ingredient of all is my reviewing of my notes from our first interview - alongside the results of the rudimentary tests above, I need to look at the interplay of stress, movement, breathing, connections and any predispositions towards obesity and diseases of growth.

Are you listening or working with someone who is allowing your to choose the best foods to meet your identified nutritional needs?