Body Fuel

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Strayed from Your Healthy Eating Goals - Here's How to Get Back on Track

The biggest misjudgement I witness as a nutrition and movement coach is that people try to implement multiple new health change habits at once.  The attempt to change, then becomes so overwhelming that they end up not changing any of their habits at all.  Then we arrive back at square, feeling unmotivated and beaten.  

I’ve designed a fun competition that teachers you have to override this barrier to success.  Within the contents of the competition is an underlying theme of “bio-feedback”, wherein you select an health strategy to accomplish your goals by the most direct route.  It’s the social support, group approach and incentive base, that breeds victory and maintenance!

My goal for you is to see you achieve “fat loss whilst in quarantine”.  

Everyone has fat. Fat surrounds and cushions vital organs such as the kidneys and insulates us against he cold, but too much can be dangerous for your well-being. While the target of weight-loss of many of my clients, is often to target their visible fat, the topic goes deeper than love handles. There’s another hidden type of fat that can seriously harm your health and performance.  

Visceral fat is the deep abdominal fat that surrounds your organs. Even thin people can have dangerous levels of it.  Too much can lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and inflammation.  Visceral fat is caused by many factors including diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. If we concentrate on visceral fat loss, you will undoubtably see the results benefit your exterior also!

The key is not to change everything all at once.  We go for the low hanging fruit first, with your individual environmental and current lifestyle circumstances, at the forefront of your decision.  Let’s put this in context, using a motor vehicle purchase scenario;  

There’s just you and your partner, child free, making buckets of money, living on the sunny Australian Far North Coast you choose a two seater convertible and it fits your current world just perfectly.  This could absolutely be the best choice for you.  If you live in Canada, and it is mid winter, you have a partner, 4 children, two dogs, you’re traversing roughish terrain often - a closed in, roomy SVU is possibly going to be the best choice in your environment and circumstance.    

Back to the low-hanging fruit, this refers to the tasks, actions or goals that may be most easily achieved. The expression low-hanging fruit is used to describe an action that takes minimal effort. Low-hanging fruit does not require the harvester to climb the tree or to use a ladder, she simply reaches up and plucks the fruit with little physical effort. Maximum reward for minimum effort.  This competition offerers you six basic nutritional strategies.  You choose two of these that you feel in your current environment and circumstance, are going to make a super big impact.  It is similar to the Pareto Principle's biggest item - if you can fix 80% of your problems with one effort, then you can quickly improve your statistics of success. But then, the fixes for the next 20% of problems will not yield as big an improvement as easily and that is where individual nutritional and movement coaching will enable you to crush your goals!  These are the hard bits. The ones you really have to work for. You have to get the step ladder, keep moving it, and only get a few fruit with each trip up the ladder. 

This competition is about nailing two stirring habits.  Once you succeed in changing the most impactful habits, you’ll create a ripple in all your other habits.

The four week competition is completed online and just requires a facebook profile and an email account that I can send your downloadable competition printables to.  I will be creating a private face book group to share video content and weekly feedback forums.  You will be sent more on the face book content upon sign up.  

The competition commences on Tuesday 14th of April, with a series of videos (uploaded to the private face book page) detailing the instructions, choices and rules of our competition.  You have two days to make your choices and workout a regime that you will follow.  Then we start, as your points add up, so do your chances of winning!!  Keep an eye out for more posts on Instagram and face book on your prizes and the buy in fee.  

Everybody needs someone to lean on during the more challenging times in our lives. There’s no time more important than now, to commitment to your health and being part of group can make you feel better when you're having a tough time sticking to your nutrition, maintaining your fitness routine, and just trying to be the best version of you!

Get involved, get social, comment below if you would like more information…