Body Fuel

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Why You may need Support to Get Out of Your Own Way to Make Progress

All that occurs on the inside, is reflected on the outside.

Both as a yogi and wellness coach and enthusiast, I see this within myself each time I step onto my mat. It is as if your practice is a mirror to what you’re experiencing at any given moment.

What is revealed to you is your opportunist design for change: the pieces of you that if tended to, can result in significant transformation and success in your life. Such as your habitual responses to difficult situations, the way you move through transitions, and how you choose to show up during challenging moments.

It can be very confrontational so some of us are unconsciously aware but because it’s not always pleasing, we tend to hind, to build wall and to resist or find ways to outsmart the truth of what we actually need. 

This is where my work can lie - the gentle but impactful guidance, support and enthusiasm of a professional coach or assistant.  Getting familiar with your roadblocks, your nutrition, your movement, your prioritising strategies, your deeper world is where you will find freedom.  Freedom from your old habits that constrain, pressurise and hold you back from living your full potential.

There’s times when we all need more inspiration, more motivation, more of a push?

We all get in our own way at times. If you’re feeling stuck and not sure how to move forward, I’m here to offer you a hand to get out of your own way and achieve the success you desire and deserve!

Optional wellness package includes my professional support to teach you resilience in the modern world, choose how much or how little you wish to do.  Lifestyle Nutrition combined with Personal Training and/or Yoga packages now open!!  For more individual information please get in touch at 

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