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Do Females who Train with Weights have Less Cellulite?

Cellulite is the dimpled lumpy appearance seen on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen of mostly women.

Why do some get it and some not? The main seeds appear to be;

  • Our female connective tissue architecture. A constant flow of estrogen in our bodies and the fabric of our connective tissue. The presence of cellulite can marry up with the hormonal turbulence of puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.

  • Cellulite can be present in healthy and even lean females, but it appears to be exacerbated by overweight, as a result of weaker, less dense connective tissue structures leading to increased extrusion of fat tissue lobules visual in the outer skin layer.

  • Genetics. This relates back to hormones as estrogen concentration is responsible for a decreased production and topical content of both type I and III collagen and elastin fibres, which contributes to cellulite.

  • Ethnicity

  • Diet: Personalised diets need to provide for stimulation of glucose disposal into muscle!

  • Sedentary lifestyles. Cellulite develops in our subcutaneous fat layer. In women, the subcutaneous fat layer is organised into large upright chambers where an abundance of fat can be stored. The apex of these vertical fat chambers looks like a mound that’s weak and prone to collapse when under excess pressure. This pressure could be from unwanted weight, fluid retention, or lack of strength due to little or no exercise.

  • Smoking results in significantly greater amounts of free radicals in the body, and the contraction of small blood vessels responsible for local micro-circulatory impairments

    ❥However, you’re reading this blog to learn if resistant exercise training is a factor in mitigating cellulite, so I will concentrate on just that …

Three mechanisms by which training under a load of weights may well play a helpful part in the solution:

  1. Training with weights over just performing cardio exercises should firm the muscle underneath the cellulite which will help smooth the skin's appearance ✔️

  2. Strength combined with mobility improves circulation and lymph flow and tones the body (a sluggish lymphatic system cannot remove cellular waste fast enough)✔️

  3. Working your body under load educates your body, and breath capacity, to hold itself better, for better posture, movement, and circulation ✔️

Because cellulite has a strong hormonal component, the timely presence of weight resistant training and carbohydrate intake can have a favourable outcome on cellulite minimisation and eventual elimination. Stay connected for updates on how to apply these correctly ❤︎