Body Fuel

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Easily Adapt Well in the Face of Stress

Stress comes in many main forms including.

  1. Routine stress, includes getting yourself and others to places on time, financial stress, predicting the future stress, work pressures, relationship struggles, (including the relationship you have with yourself.

  2. Sudden, disruptive change, such as job loss or family or friend bereavement, finding out you have an illness.

  3. Chronic stress, from unhelpful lifestyle patterns (minimal movement during the week and dramatic movement of exercise on the weekends), unsupportive eating or lack of nutrition or over indulgence, negative thought patterns, shallow breathing patterns, poor posture, feeling unloved, poor sleep routines, medicines, unhappiness, dissatisfaction and overworking.

Sometimes we fail to recognise our own stressors and their impact on our bodies. We chase more exercise, more rigid eating patterns and styles, in an attempt to curb the following symptoms of broken cortisol patterns and adrenal dysfunction;

  • Loss of libido

  • Bumby energy throughout the day

  • Feeling tired but wired

  • Not seeing the gains from your workouts

  • Injuries that mainly end in “itis”

  • Abrupt sugar and carb cravings

  • Second-rate digestion = bloating, constipation, diarrhea

There are simple ways to restore your body and to love yourself again. Consider the following just for starters;

  • Aim for enough sleep that allows you to feel rested and ready for the following day.

  • Don’t eat within 2 to 3 hours of sleep.

  • Get in touch for some simple but powerfully effective breathing exercises.

  • Infrared sauna at least once per week.

  • Check in with your time management skills (or ask for assistance)

  • Give Carbohydrate back-loading a try (not familiar with this term? send me an email and I will explain)

  • Hydration