How to Start Choosing to Give Yourself Health 🌿
Uh oh, it’s December - the time of automatic “giving.”
Are you madly making shopping lists, brainstorming perfect gift ideas, and pouring your focus into gift-giving?
Are you feeling the preemptive stress of navigating families’ and friends’ expectations for where you should be “giving” your time during the Xmas season?
This party, that party, this Xmas drinks invitation, that restaurant occasion, etc. All good things!
In the heat of all the stress to “give” during the Xmas and New Year period, we tend to forget the life-changing gift of giving ourselves the gift of health and self-care we each deserve. It can be easy to overlook what we need to do in order to stay healthy, energetic, and present in our life for not just the immediate Xmas season but also for beyond.
But you cannot give from an empty vessel.
Fill your vessel up with health, joy, respect, and happiness, so much so that it spills over to others!! Give yourself the opportunity to say “Yes,” to taking the critical time needed to stay healthy and take care of yourself. When that happens, it cannot help but spill out! This kind of giving is so infectious and so effective — but it can’t happen until you give yourself the gifts of health, joy, respect, and happiness first.
Schedule time to take a breath, the time to take a walk, enjoy a “Fire & Chill” class, or a Nutrition Optimisation Consultation.
Don’t wait until the first of the year to make a resolution. Say “Yes” to making healthy choices and taking one small step at a time now — without the pressure of perfection that a New Years’ resolution usually carries and START NOW.