Body Fuel

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Is Your Life on Your Desirable Path?

While there is no doubt that prescription medications and practitioner-recommended supplements are necessary, I don’t believe that they are the tools that will change us, in an essential way.

For that reason, the course or line of the disease condition that requires medication or supplemental bolstering, is not going to change. If you want to shift the trajectory of your disease state, you will need to treat it with a holistic inclusion. Switches in your health course bring the possibility of symptom relief, halting of further damage and decline, remission, and the probability of healing to a full recovery.

A small shift made on a consistent basis can turn the course of your disease in another direction. Perhaps a change in movement regularity, or a breakfast option, or your morning or evening routine. What would your hours, days, weeks look like if you were able to restore your health? How would things look different?

I really do not believe that we can do pharmacology exclusively. If we leave out all the ancillary and lifestyle care, we will at best stay in a hovering unwell state but more likely is a decline in our physical shape and wellness.

Are you willing to accept the small sacrifices if there is a chance of true healing? Have you been witness to a steady increase in medication amounts or additions in someone your care about? With no clear path ahead?