Body Fuel

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What does your perfect day favour? What does a day that is completely inline with your ambitions and goals look like?

I will share my own ambition in-line day

Perhaps the best way to describe it would be …. BALANCE.  

To be synonymous with what is important to me, (I personally don’t have one overriding thing that takes absolute precedence), my day would need to have an even distribution of weight in the things that really matter to me.   

If I can arrange my day to give attention to all the important areas of my life, I will be making progress. Progress is the magic!  It is where we find our internal joy.  

It is a cliche but it is also the truth.  If we live in the absolute focus of an end goal achievement, we run the risk of getting sidetracked, neglecting other important areas of our whole happiness, loosing momentum and perhaps even giving up, loosing the joy in the experience.  Without the buzz that comes from recognising and celebrating the wins along the way, I challenge you to think about the wholeness of achieving the goal?  

If we shift into a vantage point of momentum and our focal point becomes - habit formation,  we begin a journey of progress and achievement and it is this that then fuels our momentum.  It’s not purely about the end goal, we know what that is, and we have that in mind but the voyage and the celebrations along the way bring the internal joy.  

Taking weight loss (fat loss, whatever name you want to give it) as an example - if your goal is to loose 10 kilo.  Rather than have that 10k shedding on your mind 24/7, what would happen if you chose a momentum goal of eating non-processed foods or no more than what you set out to eat for that day (no extras, no little hidden treats), and aimed at this for 3 days per week.  Letting go of the attachment to how fast your weight decreases. Let’s be honest, if you were not doing this before and you were regularly eating processed foods and treats, this 3 day habit change will provide progress in the direction your aiming, and you will get to experience the joy that progress brings and attached to that joy is significant forward movement!!

Balancing your future to the now is the key.  When you can see where you’re headed and take on this charge in measured doses, walking away from each dose never totally drained, eager for the next time as you still have more to give,  it is all achievable and more importantly … it is so incredibly satisfying. 

Everything can work in harmony when done at your own pace.

I can’t study, play with precious Freya or practice yoga all day. But I can do them all. In my balanced way!