Emotional stress doesn't subtract from your ability to savour the joyous moments.


Following a fruitful day working, taking care of the family and household or laboring over final exams (AKA HSC), most of us want to relax and recover.

Recuperating and reenergizing is important not only for the remainder of the day, but the next as well, and especially before the start of a new week. All of us have access to a variety of interventions for physical discomfort or pain, including massage, sauna, yoga, topical applications or pain relievers.

But what about the emotional stress and imbalance that builds up some days and sometimes seems overwhelming?

Those days when we experience negative emotions like anger and anxiety can be especially exhausting and draining. It is as important to regenerate and find renewed emotional balance as it is to care for physical injury and pain.

The symptoms of emotional stress and imbalance may not be alarming initially: slight irritability and anxiousness over little things, uncharacteristic inattentiveness to family, friends or work, less-than-normal clarity in decision-making. Eventually, however, the effects on performance, relationships and even health become more noticeable and frequent.

Is there an effective strategy for addressing emotional stress and imbalance? The Institute of HeartMath has developed a number of techniques and one of the most effective and popular is the “Soft Heart Tool”.

Your "soft heart" is an easygoing, warm place of compassion for you, a place of ease and self-care, like a warm blanket or bath. Practicing with this Tool 2 or 3 times a week can help you recuperate and reenergize from the emotional stress of daily life.

Would you like to know how to access and use this tool? Get in touch and allow yourself to find the extraordinary you!!