Get Rid of All Carbohydrates to Lose Weight. True or False?


There is a lot of push out there suggesting that if you want to lose weight - the first step is to cut carbohydrates from your eating.

Let’s get clear on what is meant by the term “weight loss” and if this is your actual intent.

Weight loss is a decrease in your overall body weight. Your regular bathroom scales may reveal weight loss and this weight includes muscle, fat, and water in your body.

Fat loss is when your weight is reduced via a drop in fat mass with an accompanying smaller drop in muscle mass. This equates to your body fat percentage decreasing and you may need more nuance scales to detect this.

The optimum is to achieve fat loss as well as a calculated muscle gain. This nirvana of physique and health is tangled, but absolutely achievable and maintainable! Fat loss with minimal muscle loss, allies with a body composition change that also spawns a decrease in metabolic disease, and an increase in functional ability, energy levels, and an improvement in self-esteem.

Fat loss can be accomplished with a reduction of all or most carbohydrates, but more often than not I then witness some precious lean muscle loss in the process. Lean muscle loss reduces resting metabolic rate and provides for an arduous task of maintaining your weight loss 😢

In pursuit of our body composition nirvana - wanting to lose fat but also add a proportioned amount of muscle, I suggest that it is almost impossible to avoid the smart use of carbohydrates. The nuance is the number of carbs you need, as this will vary from person to person. The chase involves on-boarding enough smart carbohydrates to function and to train well, but not too many that you provide an environment for the storage of fat.

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