How to Fit Healthier Habits Into Your Life
Is this you? Or something similar? … “I want to exercise, walk in nature, cook healthy food, meditate every morning, declutter, focus on my self-growth, write in my gratitude diary every day, do something creative every day … there’s just not enough time when you factor in working, eating, housework, showering, etc!”
“I’ll start once I get this project/holiday/work commitment/family commitment/visit from family… out of the way”. Does this sound familiar?
Our lives are always going to be in transition. Unmistakably, interruptions will break in on our schedule. This is ‘disorder’ and it is part of life. We will always feel some uncertainty because of this disorder but if we can learn to expect it while being compassionate for the missteps that occur as a result of it, we will move forwards.
Step 1: Is to let go of the want for a perfect daily/ weekly/ monthly routine.
Step 2: Set an ambition - a progression you’d like to head towards. You want your life to stream in the current of better health … your intention is to move often and enjoy a healthful diet. Begin to shepherd wind in that direction.
Step 3: Shepherding the wind - take action. Swing things in this new direction. This may mean enlisting a personal trainer, a nutritionist, prepping meals, shopping at farmer’s markets, having your exercise gear next to your bed, etc. Slowly add more structure.
Step 4: When things go amiss (they will) avoid the frustration and anxiety that disappointment with ourselves brings by accepting the true nature of our chaotic lives - Things will always be messy and disordered. And that is not the issue or the problem. In contrast with struggling and holding tightly to our ideals, choose to relax your grip, relax your body, and just breathe forgiveness and acceptance. Loosen up!
Step 5: Start again. Go back to Step 1. Keep setting that intention, keep taking action to go in the right direction, and when things go astray, relax and don’t be bothered, but continue the process. It’s not really “starting again” actually, but just continuing.
What works this week may be different than last week. For us women, our infradian rhythm clock will favour changes from week to week. (there’s more information on this topic in my “Women’s Hormonal Balance Program”). It’s all about continually experimenting, continually trying new habits, continually learning what works and what doesn’t.
Think of the new habits you are creating as the wind that you are attempting to shepherd. Wind does not want to be systematised. Just aim to shepherd the windy chaos of your days, with a compassionate intention.