Summer Invites more Sugar for Energy. Autumn Invites ...


Doubtlessly, if we lead a lifestyle against nature’s seasonal cycles it will create tension.

We are now moving from our Summer season of energetic growth and abundance, of vigorously striving forward, of cooling fruits, vegetables and carbohydrate abundance, of plentiful light that impels longer working and playing hours, into our Autumn season where nature nudges us into a more chilled space.

Nature hands us the diet from slower growing produce, apples, papaya, mandarines, custard apples, kiwi fruit, pomegranates. The darker leafy greens, artichokes, parsnips, sweet potato, pumpkin invite us into the kingdom of soups, stews and curries. My cool carbohydrate summer breakfasts begin to morph into warmer, fattier, increase protein contributions that help me wind down the energy of summer.

It’s a game that I’m challenged with … leaning into and accepting Autumns contracting energy, and the shortening daylight is both my friend and foe. The shrinking daylight inspirits higher-intensity , shorter duration exercise and movement planted throughout the hours of light. I’m forced to let go of some of my non-essential projects. It’s almost like a decluttering to prepare for winter introspection, where we choose our spring and summer goals and drivers.

Letting go of Summer’s drive for attainment, accomplishment and acquirement allows our mental and physical body to build stress resilience and to support the reversal of chronic conditions and diseases. Fighting vigorously in a Summer mindset for twelve months of the year habitually leads to the unhappy achiever malady. Sustaining our Summer efforts over extended periods of time depletes energy. We become dichotomous and tunnelled in thinking, leading to a stagnation in growth mindset and creativity.

I often feel drawn to leave behind the legumes and pulses of Spring and Summer, adding quality meats and offal to my lunchtime meals. The dreamier more unhurried Autumn vibe supports cooking slower cooked meals. I assume that my body desires to secure its’ nourishment for the coming winter hibernation and fasting.

Not sure what’s seasonal in Autumn?

Beans, Chillies, Potatoes, Peas, Bokchoy, Eggplant, Spinach, Leeks, Sweet potatoes, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Pumpkin, Celery, Onions.

Fruits to enjoy include, Grapefruit, Grapes, Mandarins, Melons, Pomegranates, Rhubarb, Apples and strawberries!

Not sure how to use this array of autumn vegetables and fruits in your everyday cooking? Send me an email and I’ll share some of my delicious Autumn recipe meals for your family

What patterns are you going to adjust and transform as you move further into YOUR Autumn flow?