The Jab - Is It a Temporary Inadequate Solution to Our Problem?
A quick fix approach is a prevailing trajectory promoted in the traditional health sphere, that is definitely supported via media. Are we actually going to pull it off? Are we going to magically eliminate viruses via vaccines? Given the accusations of resulting negative health concerns, post many vaccines, is everyone going to sign up to one that has been rolled out in record time and already received press about possible negative effects?
There are many unanswered questions attached to the elusion that we will be able to wipe out all viruses off the planet so humankind can be somewhat safe and so we can carry on as we are. It would appear to be essential to figure out ways to mediate between humans and viruses because viruses are not going to go away. If it is not this one, there will be another and another.
Currently, we appear to have two campaigns. The allopathic vote is to ‘wipe out the virus and make it go away’ via vaccinations and sheltering in lockdown hideouts. The argument to “stop all international travel to Australia”. has been suggested. Would that not put us (Australia) in further jeopardy? Would we be sitting ducks for the impending outbreak? As it would surely arrive at some stage. I, personally have never been a fan of delaying the inevitable.
The other crusade is to protect the weak and vulnerable and to confront this virus head-on by means of ‘heard immunity’ and survival of the fittest.
Both sides need to figure out a mediating solution, otherwise we are seemingly hoodwinked or “f_____” (have it your way). We cannot afford to have illogical views, where there is no compromise.
We are warranted in our concern about the ‘quick fix jab’ approach, and considering how much time and money has been spent on developing a vaccine and all the clinical trials and spontaneous research around that! Meanwhile there is no lack of anecdotal and clinical evidence of the overall lifestyle-related diseases that make people particularly vulnerable to Covid19 and the like. But nowhere in the allopathic medical community do you hear anybody with actionable advice on how to become healthier overall, so that this virus does not land you in a hospital or kill you. It appears to be all about masking up, staying indoors, isolating from community and getting a short term vaccine.
So now we have what appears to be an acute situation, that had we treated the chronic situation more effectively (with a collective approach to worldwide health), we may not have found ourselves in this acute situation.
It is difficult. As, to be healthy, it would seem that you need to be going against the tide of normal culture. If you just go on the normal path of eating processed foods, drinking alcohol in excess, allowing sedentary patterns to dominate your waking hours, accepting low grade chronic stress to pervade your days, not sleeping deeply or enough, eating poor micronutrient foods, failing to support our microbiomes, and being continually exposed to environmental toxins in our cosmetic and lifestyle products you won’t be able to fight this or any other imminent virus. You will need to shield, shelter, and isolate.
If you want to go against the tide, tools can be helpful! Get community around you and get personal control back. I am here for you ☀︎
Going against the tide … come with me