You think increasing your red meat intake is the answer to low iron??


Your GP has told you that you have low serum ferritin - and low SF reflects a state of iron depletion.

Hepcidin is a key regulator of the entry of iron into our circulation

Inflammation and infection increase hepcidin synthesis and ... Hepcidin inhibits iron release, as well as intestinal iron absorption. So it appears that raising your iron status could be a little more complicated than eating more red meat (heme-iron source), if you body is in an inflammatory state.

What can put my body in an inflammatory state, I hear you ask?

Hmm there’s a list, but let’s start with exercise. Prolonged strenuous exercise is characterised by a large increase in circulating concentrations of IL-6. If you have HPA-D (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal-Dysfunction), then an exercise regime that raises your heart rate to beyond talking ability for a duration past 45 to 60 minutes, could well be pro-inflammatory (amongst other deleterious effects).
Your GP has informed you that your iron reserves and capacity to use iron

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a complex guy - it’s a cytokine with pro- and anti-inflammatory properties.  We do want some but from the right place, with the right friends. 

When you exercise, your muscles release IL-6, which can be anti-inflammatory. However, when your immune cells (macrophages) release it, it’s pro-inflammatory. The harmful effect has to do, in part, with it being released with other immune cells that synergise in a negative way.

Here are a few more reasons for elevated IL-6 are obesity , chronic stress, too little sleep, eating too much – specifically, eating too much sugar or refined foods, smoking, excess alcohol, and exercising too much (more than 2 hours of intense exercise a day is probably not a good idea for most).

In general, studies suggest that red meat consumption is associate with higher inflammatory markers. This appears particularly true for processed meats; bacon, ham, salami etc. Pasture raised (grass-fed) beef and animal produce is higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, suggesting it’s a superior choice over grain-fed, factory farmed animal produce. However if your in an inflamed state as discussed above, beginning a new increased intake of red meat (be it grass-fed or not), may not be the initial answer to raising your iron status.

I was there, and I tried out a three month increased intake of pasture raised animal produce, to experience absolutely no change in my iron status. My increase in optimising my biorhythms and sleep drive naturally, time restricted eating, Mind-Body breathing techniques in combination with strength exercise and sauna appeared to do the trick for me!

Infrared saunas work to stimulate circulation to bring down inflammation throughout the whole body. ... Infrared saunas also have the ability to increase the production of white blood cells which help fight inflammation and calm swelling to alleviate chronic pain.

How have you managed to increase your iron status? Share you journey so that others may benefit from your experience. We are, essential, all in this together !